Tuesday, January 21, 2014


once you stop caring what other people think more than yourself, 
and you've hit rock bottom, 
it is so freeing, 
you are free to do as you please, 

so don't be afraid to hit rock bottom, 
don't be afraid to ask for help, 
because if i never asked anyone for help, 
i wouldn't be where i am today, 

if i never asked for help, 
i wouldn't be alive 

you don't have to trust anybody, 
but you have to trust yourself, 

you don't have to love anybody, 
except you have to love yourself, 

you don't have to fear any one, 
but be honest with yourself and figure out what you fear, 
because if you don't it will eat you alive, 

and if you can't sleep, 
you'll still have dreams, 
and if you can't dream, 
then you won't be able to live, 
and if you're not living, 
then you might as well.. 

not give a fuck, 
so just love yourself, 
respect yourself, 
respect women, 
respect your parents, 

but listen to your heart, 
listen to the voices inside of your head, 
you don't have to seek violence, 
you don't have to seek anything, 

just listen to the dreams inside your head, 
because they'll only be there till you're dead, so dream little darling, dream

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