Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I'll Pray for You

I'll pray to a God that I barely believe in
because I'm happy that I'm barely breathing

When I got time she got freedom
When a heart breaks
No, it don't break even

Odds or evens
I live my life flipping quarters
To keep my sanity
everyday is a bet
and I bet on my sanity

Heads or tails
it doesn't matter anymore
cause you flip the coin
and once it's in the air
you'll know what you want

I want love
I want life
I want freedom
I don't want anything
I need
I feed off of the love
I feed off of the positive energy

yet there are so many haters trying to bring me back down to reality
oops there goes gravity

ain't no one gonna break my stride
pride is the sign of a foolish man
so who the f, you think you're talking to

i'm right here in the flesh i'm right in front of you
i love it when you haters be laughing saying my name
it seems like your mouth is not connected to your brain
you think you're hot shit but you just got diarhea of the mouth
and i stopped caring about tommy aches in 8th grade
cause I still don't give a fuck

i got time
she got freedom
i pray to a god that i barely believe in
when a heart breaks
no, it don't break even

and what am i supposed to
like i care about myself
me in this place
i put my ego on the shelf
and i walk the streets
and ppl ask me how i get my head in the door
and i respond that i'm a amirror of you
i guess you don't like your reflection today
but you gotta loook yourself in the mirror everday
in this place, look into your eyes and you'll see your soul
do you like hat you see

close your eyes
let freedom take over
let boredom kick in
but substitute boredom with serenity

and do a serenity prayer for yourself
cause nobody else cares
cause we all die one day
and you'lll end up alone
and it doesn't matter to me
cause as long as my heart's still beating
i'll never forget that when a heart breaks
it don't break even.

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