Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dear Dr. _______

I am ready to leave and restart my life (again).
I need to see my family, girlfriend and friends.

I know my pace- I know myself as well as I ever will.

I will no longer try to change the world because I only control myself. Therefore...
I will only try to change myself.

I will hope to gain a greater understanding of myself in this mixed up world *with people who are stuck in their own mind, in their own world.*

I know the things I can not change and I hope to gain a greater understanding of the things I can. I believe along life's journey I will gain strength as I come closer to a sense of serenity, peace and nirvana. I can only take this life one step at a time, so that is what I'll do.

p.s. There are lies, damn lies, statistics and psychiatry
Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 1

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