Seen arms like requiem for a dream
Heroine has no heroine
Protagonist can become an antagonist
Passing out like Pereg
Peg Leg and Popped Eye
Getting strong like Pop Eye eating spinach
as I spin until I ache
but atleast I don't fake it
Stupid uncomfortable bitches
not knowing what to do with their pathetic lives
with their uncomfortable, pathetic time
Some are just
Fixed to do ridiculous shit
like snorting powder off dicks
cock a doodle do
doodling is what I do
except I doodle with with my mind
write it all up and post up
like a sign
relax for a moment
sit still
I will
too bad I need a pill
but atleast its prescribed
the doctors say
its not just a cheap thrill
thrashing and trashing but staying
in one spot
ruminating in a room
unable to zoom
zoooom out
just zoom in like I can see
a bobby pin in the hay
hey there dude I hope
you don't think I'm rude
just spitting out lines
cause I'm in the mood
maybe I'm lude but
whatever will be will be
ya babe
the future's not ours to see
ha rah ha rah
hoo ray for the day that relaxation can stay
peace of mind with
no piece in the mouth
just peace
just peace
just peace in a mirror
the man in the mirror
that man in the mirror
he may lose but
I Am
I think I Am
therefore I am
the man in the mirror
confident, confidence can be a killer
pride is the sign of a foolish man
stare too long
break the mirror
stare too long
break the mirror
fuck this place
fuck this place
I'm a winner
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