Wednesday, July 10, 2013

This Energy Within Us

I  can do so many things in this world
but I will never be able to change the way you feel

Why would I?
Why would I believe that...
I can change the way you feel

as if I have some energy within me
and we share this energy with the people around us

Well we interact with the
people we choose or we have to
or have been chosen

and as these masses
we think
the matter that moves matters

as we're following the mainstream
exchanging ideas that we think matter

Do you think it matters?
When does it stop mattering?

When can wee stop making tradeoffs for immediate gratification
personal pleasure
easy way out
where can we make decisions that we actually believe in
when can we

The only way to get something done,
is to do it yourself

imagine not being distracted
by any of it
by the massive multimedia mania

we try to navigate through

all these people with their heads down
not realizing where they are in this world
and unaware of where we are
evaluating our environment

we don't have to see anything
except what lights up and is
5 inches away
in front of our face
in front of my face

Do we even look to see who passes us by?

Plugged in
in one way or another

audio patterns, visual patterns
all these patterns

information and senses that rush the brain

rush into the brain
and out, splat
a behavior
that we classify as complex
when we are all as simple as can be

love our families
gather some trustworthy friends

love your family
love yourself
looking for someone to love

don't you want somebody to love

we want to want

we want trustworthy, loyal, positive friends,
or sometimes we don't

we want someone to love
yet we struggle to love ourselves
as we balance the scale
measuring the tradeoff
of immediate pleasure and the future
right now and future goals

life is a blessing
life is a process
we hope to make progress
but it seems as time passes
we are surrounded by regression
are we regressing
or just digressing

while we continue to plant our seed

grow strong
this energy within us

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