Friday, November 26, 2010

Clock beats Constant

La Crosse Technology WS-8117U-IT-AL Atomic Wall Clock with Indoor/Outdoor TemperatureClock Beats Constant
but always feels too fast
flying like a kite
but the high never lasts
never lasts
too fast
never lasts

The Mask (New Line Platinum Series)

Can't mask a mask,
a fake facade of formality
it's FAKE
except for fatality
this is my reality
this is our reality

live my life with rationality
I'm white
no nationality
only proud to be a jew
being jewish can help
just by being part of a tribe,
a group

but God
can screw with you
The Frozen RabbiRabbi, Coach, Dad: Where's my spot?
Why can't I chill out?
Chill out in left field
is that my spot
out there maybe smoking some pot.

The ChronicChronic, NYC Diesel, Cali Chronic
Chronic Illness
Depression is a sickness
Bipolar Type II
Mood disorder
you think it's hard
but only a few do
if any
as if any
know what I do
What I go through

private life, private life
Chronic City: A Novel

with as much strife as I strike down upon myself
so I
I raise up the gavel, and never put it down,
no judgement, only I can judge me
"God can judge me"
Tupac Only God Can Judge Me Poster Poster Print, 24x36 Poster Print, 24x36Only God Can Judge Me [Explicit]Only God Can Judge Me
I get a good crew
stay in school
stay cool like a fish in a pool
just an off green pea in a pod
twirl like a hot tub
just wanna be a good hub

The Hand of God: Thoughts and Images Reflecting the Spirit of the Universeone love, one lover, one love
one, one, eleven
one, one, can i make this heaven
if i already experienced hell
tick tock
tick tock
hands on the clocks
lying in the hands of god

clock beats constant
but always feels to quick
this moments an instant
this shit will never stick

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