Da Da
Dumb it Down, Dumb it Down
How's that sound?
Watch me on my merry go round
up and down, circle circle
round and round
Zoom out, circle, circle, sphere, sphere
nothing to fear
we're just a pattern in the sand
I'm just a dot in the crowd
(Japanese say)
tallest tree gets the most wind
so I can't
I can't get too loud
can't look too proud
("pride is the sign of a foolish man")
but I am
strictly strict
holding back my emotion
but no, not a stoic (sry kraz)
not now, I'm just, well...
I can be tortured
by a potion, a substance that binds
bonds me to Emotional Pain
jumping the tracks
out of my mind
or out of my lane?
Can my mind escape this mental prison
jump higher, and off my path
out of my mind
off my path, my path no no ETA
to anywhere to nowhere
Disconnected, Disconnect
my anger, my wrath, my path
I hate it when you laugh
at me, at me, at my misunderstanding
because I'm ground
I'm grounded
but how could you know, how could you?
you just don't know
You don't know JACK
and neither do I
but I know Mr. Daniels and that
Whiskey calms the mind
Shakes the body like
Jameson (Jamison) hits the bank shot,
smacks the backboard, college lay up
Antawn and an on and on, I'll never be like Antawn
(just a poor man's lebron, they call me david lee)
How sweet is that, Mr. Liotta?
over and over, every morning
wake up, eat shower shit
break fast
again and again
Myth of Sisyphus, on and on
Like a never ending marathon
smart like Lisa, run the streets like Bart
with a skateboard and slingshot
but like Homer
still Simpsons not the Odyssey
(but like Oedipus can't see)
can't drink cause I don't want
my memory to be patchy
don't care if I'm itchy no scratchy
wait.. i forgot, I said that...
D'oh, D'oh, Damn, D'oh
I want the Dough
on the grind
I latch onto life
hold onto a shooting rainbow
take me away, Neil Diamond
but no green leprechaun
and hold the Brown Sugar
I ain't a Rolling Stone
cause too much of a good thing maybe not so sweet
but I'll take a rolling rock, make it two
one for me and one for the loser
cause Any Given Sunday
we're all winners all losers
winner, winner, chicken dinner
and like Jesus, we're all sinners
beginners, starting up, with no direction, no end
we start but no finish line
living my journey progressing
still no finish line
Running around
No destination but atleast I
and have the luxury of a vacation
ability to change the place I'm in
change the face I show to the fake
I'm all in and get drenched
but feel the rain
feel the pleasure
embrace the pain
diffusion of blame
work, work, work
all in
too much I'm insane
too little I'm too sane
Honolulu, Hawaii
any hot weather would be nice
but four winds, seven seas,
this place, ain't too shabby
here's a kiddish
to life
I'm here another day, just a man filled with thought and weakness
I'm just a man, here one
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