Wednesday, December 11, 2013


72 Hours
You can lock me in a room
4 walls
no posters
You think you can break me
They've been trying to break me for 24 years
72 years
72 hours
72 minutes
72 seconds
10 seconds left
buzzer beaters

Can't hold me down
Can't lock me away
I locked myself away for much longer than that

Lock me up
Hold me down
Knock me up
Shoot me up

72 Hours
Can't keep me down
Can't hold me down
No never

Ain't no one gonna break my stride
ain't no one gonna hold me down
oh no
I got to keep on moving

No Never
Can't hold me down

I'm titatnium
I'm platium
I'm not bullet proof
I'm not gold
I'm not silver
I'm nothing
but I got the bible and the torah and holy scriptures in my brain\
and i can spit them straight at your dame
right 50

Kill me
I'm already dead
Shoot me
I'm already shot

I've been dead
but I'm still walking
I'm so alive
everything that kills me makes me feel alive

You could never be on my level
Cause I've been so high
so low

I'm already dead
from the moment I was alive
I'm gone
I'm like dust in the wind
and I just don't give a fuck
guess what
I still don't give a fuck

Cause once you surrender
and you realize there's nothing to live for
you find out that there's only something to die for

but not for you
no not for you
just for me
and you'll never understand me
Once you surrender
that's right when you start living

72 hours
You could lock me away for 1000 years
you could lock me in a room
you could lock me in a prison
with 4 walls, all white, no posters, no food,
no water, no life to live,
it'll never compare to the mental prison
that i locked myself away in 8 times
1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot
shoot me up with whatever you got
like i give a fuck

I'll be laughing straight to the bank
Like I give a fuck

72 Hours
You think you can break me
you can't
you never could
you never will
cause you can try
but I could never let you

You try to hurt me with goodbyes
You think I'd crumble
You think I'd lay down and die?
Oh no not I?
I'm already dead because I'm alive
everything that kills me makes me feel alive
whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger
so fucking rip off my arms
you tried
rip off my legs
you tried
rip out my heart
you did
like i give a fuck

I'm so alive that you can't even touch me
Can't keep me away
Can't keep me down
can't knock me off my stride

cause i've been locked up
I've been fucked up
i've been knocked down
I've been knocked up

I get up
I chose to get up
I chose to live

72 hours
like i give a fuck
just tell me the ETA
and I'll be there
no no snow flake
no no mary jane
no no alcohol
just straight scriptures in my brain
it's like a holy book
but it's a holy brain
straight through your dome
straight to your dame
i don't care where i live
cause I'm already home

72 hours
you tried to hold me down
and i fucked you up
cause i'm your reflection
i'm a mirror of me
if you fuck with me
i'll fuck with you
i'm a reflection of self
and i'm not doing this for you
i'm doing this for me
i'm not doing this for sales
i'm doing this for me

if you're worth my time
but most of you aren't
too bad
but some of you are
those select few
who understand
don't fuck with me
cause i'm crazy
been crazy
like i give a fuck
cause i'm not crazy
i'm so sane that you don't even understand what level of rationality
no nationality, just a human
no country, just blood
just water, just love

72 hours ha
I'm titatnium
I'm gold
I'm silver
I don't give a fuck if you call me a hypocrite
I'm a fiend
I'm a friend
I'm an asshole
I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker

I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet
I'm the nicest guy you'll never know

Like i give a fuck
I haven't cared in years
but i still would wipe away your tears
cause it's not love that guides you
it's all of those fears

72 hours ha
I'm bulletproof
fucking shoot me up with whatever you got
cause i've done it all
cause i know i've done nothing
i'm dirt, im perfect, im an idiot
retarded what did that nurse say

brain damage since the day i was born
all these carcinogens, teratogens, gens, gens, gens
it's my dna that made me
the protein that syntehsized into something that you can never hold back

can't hold me down
can't lock me away
like i give a fuck if i was gone
it'd be your loss
you stupid mother fuckers

i'll just act as if
i'll act as if I care
cause you could dare
to share your world with me
and I could dare to give you one little glimpse
of what i've been through
you'll never understand

you'll never understand
the horrors i've seen
the death i've seen
i got skeletons in my closet,
cause they're mine
they're my broken bones
and my scars
and busted cars
busted glass
no class, just back packs
and all the baggage that i carry with me
like a chip on my shoulder
i'm a fucking boulder

barreling through
been a while
still burning up
like a candle

you ain't gotta like me
you just mad cause i tell how it is
you just tell how it might be

got this shit mac tight, brass knuckles and flash lights
listening to tupac, biggie, eminem
like i give a fuck about all the little posers that hate on me

i still don't give a fuck
i just don't give a fuck

but believe me i care more than you'll ever know

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