Saturday, July 30, 2011

Comfortably Numb (Recently Revised)

Whats love
can you teach it
can you learn in
can you touch it 
can you earn it

when do you decide
to confide

say that you tried
mostly true no lies
lied to by the superstitions, 
issues of magazines, media madness

its sadness

destruction of a widely expanding ego
ergo what is this
where am i
who is this

"Hi, no he’s not here right now."
Can i call you back later
Time is so valuable

my body is so able
my brain is so malleable


product of society
can i trust in me
to dance
to go to the dance

if you don’t
you can’t take home 
the prom queen

see it 
so you say 
you’ve seen it

absorb it 
so you can say that it’s a part of you

like a sponge soaking up reality
can i be all that i want to be
can i be who i need to be

what drives you 
what drives you
deep down inside

whats your fix

what do you need to survive
this life
love and strife

can’t hate unless you love
cause if you hate it 
then that means it has to mean something to you
cause if it didn’t why the fuck would you hate
something if it means nothing to you?

what does it matter to you?

putting someone above me
hug me
love me
squeeze me
tug me


blur of life
how quick 
how fast did this week go
you know

this show is going quick
this season is going faster
series is almost over now

playing in a play
that i was never after
laughter love 
family friends

pain is really just complication
all the factors interact
it’s like multiplication

this rift between
expectations and reality
this long division leads to
unasked questions 

at a certain point you don’t know what your doing

but noone does
cause if they they actually know
then they would know
that they could not know
they do not know 

should i

why do we say it?

comfortably numb

staring at boxes
sitting in a chair
cramped inside
with ventilated air

when is it extravagant
all the ideas

that we implant
need a transplant

but its crazy cause you can't
cause you know right wrong
but the world enchants you
explore and stimulate

can you defy fate?

manipulate the game
starting off

but you see check mate

everything happens for a reason
come on 
there's murder and treason
no reason 
no real rationality

for the fatality of your fantasy
final test that has no meaning

you just do it cause you can
you do it cause you got to
gotta give value to the world
gotta give value to yourself

your life
with the pain plus the strife
maybe some kids plus the wife 

cause every knife is double edged
damned if you do damned if you don’t
unless you can find that harmonious conflict

of logic and emotion
grab fire but not get burned
spending, speeding to find it
its a trek this journey

no E. T. A.
no final destination
Hello and welcome to
define define

explaining an explanation of this exploration
Here now
Gone tomorrow
Good bye

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