Friday, March 14, 2014

Pi Day Update to Letter

3.14 Update

To The Penn Community and The World In General:

It is never easy when someone you know passes away. It is extremely difficult and beyond my comprehension when a young woman with her whole life ahead of her commits suicide. I wrote this letter initially in the wake of Madison Holleran's tragic death but this letter is not about Madison and all the amazing things she accomplished, this letter is for the Penn Community and for all the students who have ever struggled with any type of mental health issues.

You know it is weird because people die everyday, and when you respond people tend to say just focus on yourself, make yourself a better person. Maybe, we have to stop focusing on ourselves and maybe we have to recognize that there is a major problem. It is unfortunate that we are busy blaming the victims when we are not looking at the institutions. For example, the mental institutions and hospitals that are incapable of helping people with so called "mental illness." Or, the psychiatrists and doctors that believe that prescribing a pill will make things better. Or, the Universities that are "putting EDUCATION FIRST." Putting Education before Health is not part of any sustainable system in the 21st century.

I learned the hard way that Universities and Institutions do not care about student's feelings they just care about keeping their jobs and following protocol. One simple multicultural psychology class would help them, one simple ethics class would help them. One simple sensitivity training would help them.

Depression is a very real disease that manifests itself differently in each individual. However, psychiatrists recommend the same protocol for nearly every person with their first bout of depression.

Regardless of prior health problems, the psychiatrist has a strong tendency to recommend taking medicine and more often than not they prescribe a "Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor" or SSRI. I am not writing this to tell you to stop taking your SSRI - by all means if it helps you continue to do what you have to do.

There is a known link between SSRI-prescriptions and suicidal behaviors. So sadly, it's the pill that doctors prescribe that may lead to the eventual suicide. Unfortunately, the patient believes they are seeking help and the psychiatrist prescribes an SSRI. One of the most commonly prescribed medicines for depression for adolescents and college-aged students is Zoloft. When I was 19 and depressed due to the pressures of University of Pennsylvania, I was prescribed Zoloft.

The scariest part about seeking help is that the doctor has a bias to recommend medicine, specifically a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) and if asked the doctor is unable to explain to the patient how the drug works because modern science does not explain how SSRIs work exactly, because we do not fully comprehend how or where consciousness/intelligence physically takes place.

Even with future research in the cutting edge fields of neuroscience, nanotechnology, and even bio-nanotechnology, I highly doubt we will ever be able to explain how SSRIs and other medicine for depression actually influence the individual's brain. The reasons for this are beyond the scope of this letter, but simply enough life happens in the moment and current technology is not dynamic enough to comprehend the nuances of the brain as a system.

The student in seek of any type of help takes the pill and then they wonder why their feelings get worse and sadly, the doctors are unable to explain and some people act on their feelings and end up committing suicide.

The saddest part of suicide is that nearly every single person that survives a suicide attempt regrets trying. The amount of devastation that suicide can inflict on a community and a family can not be quantified. That is why facts and statistics are of little importance when it comes to the value of an individual's life.

Let's stop pretending like the problems do not exist.
Let's stop trying to put band-aids on bullet wounds.
Let's recognize that there is a major problem, and it is how institutions such as UPENN treat the so-called "mentally ill."

How many deaths does it take to realize that there is something wrong with the system not the individual? I know that millions of people die every year, countless people die everyday, but how many great people need to die for us to recognize that there is a problem?

Four undergrad students at UPENN have died since winter break. At least two of those are due to suicide and this is not the first UPenn undergrad to commit suicide. When I was in school one of the best players on the football team, Owen Thomas committed suicide. Now, Elvis Hatcher another student at UPenn marks three talented, highly influential people that are no longer with us. Three of America's future leaders are no longer physically on this earth to make a difference.--When are we going to realize that we have to put HEALTH before the student body's EDUCATION? People are supposed to live to be the change they wish to see in the world, not die as martyrs.

Let's stand up NOW and try to make a change, let's recognize that there is a problem, awareness is the first step and ACTION is the second step.

At this point in time, we are more than AWARE that there are problems on college campuses, specifically Ivy League campuses and top-ranked Universities, specifically Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Cornell and University of Pennsylvania. With all of these problems, it makes it difficult to hurrah for the red and the blue. It makes it very difficult for me to proudly say that I am a Penn graduate.

One of the most upsetting things in this world is recognizing that there is a problem and doing nothing to stop it. The next time I walk into the Palaestra, do I have to wonder if any Penn Quakers are so depressed that they are contemplating ending their lives?

Let's take ACTION and work on what we can do to prevent the next suicide.It is too bad UPENN ADMINISTRATORS and faculty are unable to recognize that there is an issue and are unable to affect change on any measurable scale.

It is too bad Penn Administrators are unable to recognize that 18-25 year olds are left with major mental health problems that old school injections, pills, anti-depressants and tranquilizers are not going to fix.

No amount of money, or part of the budget is going to fix the problem.

We need the right people in the right places at the right time. We need people who care, people who truly care. We need health care professionals that have some idea of the pressures of achieving at the University level. We need the entire staff to understand that mental health is not something to be stigmatized, and stereotyped. We need the right type of nurses and social workers. We need the right type of health care professionals - unbiased and non-judgmental.

Depression is a real illness and those with depression need real help from people who understand mental health and mood disorders. The most important thing when you are depressed is to establish a trustworthy support system. This support system must be in place to make sure that the person struggling with their mental health recognizes the importance of their life and the impact that they have on the world.

We have to focus on the positives and not the negatives, we have to stop judging and we have to start HELPING, lend a hand. Smile, Pay it forward. It is ironic that POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY was developed at University of Pennsylvania. The only therapist at UPenn that ever helped me introduced me to ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) and by the time she actually helped me she had to move on to help other people in other parts of the world.

Pills have their places in the health care system. But when it comes to mental health, pills are not a full fix and old school injections are just temporary solutions. Pills and injections are a temporary solution for a serious problem. Similar to suicide being a permanent solution to temporary problems. Suicide is never the answer. No one should ever self-harm or self-mutilate. We have to realize that pills are only part of the solution; the treatment plan must entail more than just medicine.

Talk therapy as well as the proper facilities and proper people must be in place to properly combat depression and other mood disorders. Special people do special things at special times. We need special people to be there to help you when your mental hygiene is lacking. Physically, people can be in the right place, but qualified people trained properly is what is necessary.

Let's make a change, let's start today, let's stop blaming the victim and let's realize that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.

Let's wake up, and recognize that suicidal ideations are a part of life and let's stop living in DENIAL and let's take action today.

Let's work on prevention, let's work on SAVING PEOPLE'S LIVES as opposed to perpetuating the same old plan, keeping the same bureaucracy in place, that follows the same protocol that we've been using since the revolution or since the 1800s or since world war II or since the DSM-II.

Let's start making some REAL changes. This is the 21st century and nearly every single person in America has faced symptoms of depression.

Maybe we have to live rationally and not by the University Rule Book.
Maybe we have to start living morally and living truthfully.
Living for the people, living for yourself, but living for every single individual on the planet.
Our time is short and as much as we like to think that time is eternal, our lives are ephemeral.

Let's wake up, let's start making some changes today. Let's recognize that the future, the smartest individual in the country tomorrow is some kid struggling on a college campus right now. Some kid that is contemplating whether or not his life is worth living is going to change the world one day... because "kids these days" some of them are busy using drugs and getting drunk, but most of them are wishing for a better tomorrow.

Some of the "kids these days" just have a little bout of depression but do not know how to ask for help. Instead of seeking help some people with mood disorders self-medicate with prescription and illicit drugs. So I plead for UPenn Administrators to stop categorizing us as one individual because we do not categorize you as "old and washed up."

Many people with depression do not like being classified at all so imagine being depressed and being classified as "mentally ill" or "crazy." You know the feeling you get when you are very calm and someone tells you to calm down. Well imagine feeling totally sane and a room of people telling you - you are mentally ill and acting crazy.

Then again, maybe we are crazy. Maybe it is crazy to think people can actually care about someone else. Maybe it is too idealistic.

Many of us are just hoping for a better tomorrow and many of us are busy trying to SAVE THE WORLD, ONE LIFE AT A TIME.

Let's do what we can NOW to stop the next student from committing suicide tomorrow or later today.

We all know that we have to stop problems upstream, so let's work on rational intervention and prevention.

Let's make a plan.

Step One - Let's recognize that Health and more specifically mental health is the most important aspect of a student's life and education.

For all the staff that are not capable of understanding the importance of mental health they should take sensitivity training or be replaced.

For now let's just work on step one. For today let's change our mindsets.

Let's place Health before Education. Let's start changing the way we think so we can change the way we act so we can work towards saving someone's life.

Let's stop blaming the victim and let's start creating rational plans for prevention.

Let's start right now. Recognize that Health is more important than education because if the student is not healthy then they are not able to learn.

At least for a moment, let's shift our focus from Education to Mental Health. Maybe we need longer than 4 moments of silence for the the four students that died. Maybe for the rest of the semester let's shift our focus from Education to Health. Maybe for the rest of our education let's understand that if our mental health is not intact then students will not be mentally prepared to learn.

Let's learn to put health first. Let's learn together as one community made up of many individuals. Let's recognize that some of the individuals who make up this community are suffering from mental health issues.

Let's remember that a team is only as strong as it's weakest link; so, let's drop our egos and let's live for a better tomorrow, let's make this the last student to commit suicide due to the pressures of being a high achiever and perfectionist at University of Pennsylvania.

Let's learn to change as individuals, but let's do it together as one strong Penn Community. Let's proudly say Hurrah for the Red and Blue! Let's evolve. Let's change. Let's adapt with the times.

Let's allow recent alumni to proudly say they are Penn graduates as many great individuals have said in the past. Let's learn from the past so we can take steps towards a more understanding and brighter future.

When I was a student at Penn, one semester we lived by the motto "Do Well by Doing Good." Let's try to ignore all the nonsense and let's focus. Work Hard, Play Harder can get you pretty far in life but Doing Well by Doing Good can save the world.

One cliched quote can save the world so don't be afraid to be the same, don't be afraid to be different, just be afraid to be afraid. Live life on life's terms.. One Day at a Time.

Happy Pi Day!

SEAS 2012

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