Thursday, November 21, 2013

What's the next big thing?

why do i have to wake up everyday and say to myself- F fb, F linkedin, F twitter, F google, F apple, F samsung.. can't we do something better? what's the next big thing that's not sponsored by some guy that's going to make a couple billion dollars. hey rappers, hey businessmen, hey athletes, hey great neckers, hey wharton, hey penn, hey harvard, hey princeton, hey new york, hey soho, hey philly, hey america, hey finance, hey wall street, hey president, hey world, hey old money, hey new money, hey young money - stop drinking my wine and stealing our money and start making the world a better place - people are dying and you keep on smiling.. it sickens me. start looking at yourself in the mirror - wipe the gold off your face and start giving.. 

"if you give then you begin to live... if you give life then you become what you are" - DMB

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