Can I treat you right
I can't be what I want to be
For you, for the world,
The guy that you deserve
I'm here
I can be who you want
I can be who you need
I can be the person you deserve
The Situation to be in
To see in
To see inside
The side of a situation
This side of a side by side
version of the truths
cause half of them are lies
or is their only one?
mauled and mamed
Stuck in this sea of the same
people pretending to be who they're not
I feel
feel love
living a certain way
life before you and life now
just ain't the same
still the same
an image
innocence overcome by truth
is it ignorance is bliss
stay still in these fits
fighting for
fighting for faith
to be resilient
relax, rest
You can't outsmart this
You can't hide from something
You can't hide from your life, your love
You become overcome by something greater than yourself
Overcome by becoming
a better man
Time of my life
Making my life
seeing it form
firm up
up to form
busy little bees
ants marching
changing directions
spinning like a compass
on the north pole
living a life
recreating your role
fitting a role
creating something
but nobody knows what they're doing
why they're doing
just why
what where why when how
how could we be in this current situation
current scenario
is there a better place to go
what what's the scenario
maleable like plastic
cities form
bigger and bigger
networks combine
Houses into blocks,
blocks into streets,
streets into neighborhoods,
neighborhoods into cities and suburbs,
it's absurd cause it's the house
made of bricks, doors, and roofs
of concrete, poercelan, water, bricks, steel and sand
manufactured in a way that you don't even realize
can we even comprehend
all these patterns forming patterns
one blending into the next
one life
role in a play
plastered into a cast
a group
a culture
an environment
a life
one life to lead
one life to live
going where the story takes you
seeing life unfold
in art and reality
music to the mind
meaning to the brain
beautiful sets
beautiful production
execution executing and shooting all these ideas out of me
so I can see
seeing you
seeing me
One thing or the next
all or nothing
anything is something
creating relationships
finding meaningful relationships
having fun and having meaning
having a reason
to believe in
cause everything happens for a reason right?
hmmm i don't know about that one
I doubt it
while all these people are shouting it
cause it doesn't mean anything
because meaning comes on after
so its like your racing in some race
but only when you look back
you were chasing something
that you're not even after.
Laughter ha ha
it's funny
how simple such complex things can be
because we see them in a way
but its not the way it really is
it's just a model of reality
of us being in this world
all these notions and emotions clouding our judgement
fudge it, cause most of them didnt know what the fuck they were doing
measuring shit just to observe not to correlate, destory or create
always looking for cause
causation, when sometimes their ain't
markers, targets, surveys, confounding
alternating like a wave
one movement to the next
just a brief force for a short time
bump bump
relaying all relevant realizations
cause I feel these sensations
that you can't even describe
cause when your going for something a vibe is a vibe
can't hide from a vibe
can't hide from your life
like living in a blimp
floating over everything and
never coming down to earth
living not planning
though this span
life span
oh no
yes yes
no no
old dog
no tricks
new tricks
its tricky yah yah
its tricky
getting stuck in all these sticky situations
holy shit
shit show
free for all
Free for you
Free for me
but connected in ways that you can't even see
energy, chemicals and electricity
its tricky
figuring out what i want and what i need
all i need is safety and food to feed on
then is everything else what i want?
who knows
maybe you can tell me one day
and when you dream
We can dream together
One Day
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