Thursday, December 17, 2009

Do you know?

Will the idea of you disappear
Is that time near
A feeling
That I thought I would fear

The image is no longer clear

This life's a blur
I don't know if others concur
But it's hard to be sure
I know that
I will always endure
But as I mature
Meaning Becomes Obscure

In this skin
I am secure
but in this
life tour
its hard
to remain pure

(You can)
Try to shut yourself out
But someone
will knock on your door

Do you know what you stand for?
(And do you know)
What lies inside your core?

Do we do it for the Glor....
Eventually my life will be gone
Hopefully this will all make sense
When I look into the eyes of my son

But for now
I'm just going to have fun

Try not
To get to blinded by the mon..
Cause E...
Eventually this will all be gone

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