Can't quit
push it, push it
fast fast
too slow
s l o w
faster faster
until I master
bar after bar
without a bar
no lsat
no bars for me
go far far
shoot for the moon
just to be a star
sometime you gotta eat the bitch
like it's a hearts game
spades, kings, queen
hearts, just playing
shooting for the moon
people think I'm a joker
is that what they think?
"well there are many here among us who feel like is but a joke"
Think I'm a joker
case I'm wild
but under control
an adult
not a child
attack me
I'll break you
blow it down like a house made of a deck of cards
duck duck or get decked
duck duck goose
loose the way I choose what to do
Can life be an impluse?
Am I just a force over time
time passes seconds elapse
moments pass
hope this shit doesn't go too fast
living in the moment
but the moment nevers last cause
i'm always in motion
adding force
minimize friction
contantly changing
only thing constant is change
got the money
but i won't drink the potion
moving beat
moving to the beat
beat box
leave a message
call waiting
tick tock
waiting for amazing