Monday, October 26, 2009

Harmonious Conflict

Harmonious Conflict

Why do we always
when we have so much?

We need more
We need novel
We need better

We constantly seek
try to absorb the environment
and forget
What's inside

Who you are
What you can do
Who you really want to be

Do we struggle
to appreciate
what we have?
Are we not satisfied?

Will we ever be?

Do we always want more

so we can

protect our weak


A structure is strong
if it stands upon
strong base
strong ground

Are the initial conditions the problem?
Can we reset
back to the start?

If we're raised in a place with so much

If we're born into a place
with so many illusions
filled with disillusioned

Beware of faulty structures

It's hard to understand
It's hard to make sense of it all

Every individual views this world
in a unique way

As an individual I can choose
how I view myself in this world

I am alive
Although I did not choose to be born
I am free to choose to live

I think
I am in control
of my actions

I believe
I am important
I am unique

I am only in control of myself
And I live in a very uncertain
uncontrollable world

Certain things happen
many of them
due purely to chance
We think it's fate

the majority of the moments of our life
are mundane and boring
we continue our journey
We live for the meaningful ones

we hope
we enjoy
we believe
we must have faith

In every difficulty
There can be an opportunity

through all the superficial conversation
Eventually one will feel meaningful

Mostly based on probability?
what you find important?
and how many bonds you have?

As a population
We observe too much
We no longer experience

We have become critical
We have lost our roots
Too many tools

Living life lost in the artificial

The clock
but always
too quick

We must experience
We try
We do

We have to be active
We are too sedentary

Our bodies are capable of so much more
Are our minds?

Everyone's view of the world is biased
They are just too biased to see
That includes me

We live in the infinite
We try to view the blur of grey
as perfect lines of black and white

We're out of touch
it's hard to see
Have we gone too far?

Controversy is inevitable
Our tolerance must
be more credible

How can we make this life
more unforgettable?

Is change the only constant
in this sea of variables?

We believe we are progressing
but are we changing for the better?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cognitive Dissonance

The mind does not like tension. If you have two opposing thoughts in your mind and you must act then you must convince yourself that one of those thoughts is correct. Even if both of them factually make sense, you have to figure out what you’re going to do. Once you figure out what you're going to do to you align your thoughts to match your action because it causes tension to hold the other thoughts.

If you smoke cigarettes, every individual knows that smoking cigarettes is not a positive factor to your overall health, but they also believe that smoking that cigarette gives them some sort of reward, some sort of pleasure. If your action is to smoke a cigarette, then your thoughts must align with these actions or there will be a strong sense of tension in your mind. In order to feel comfortable, something has to be to done to these opposing thoughts. They can either be ignored, accepted, outweighed, or...

Moving on is coming to terms with these thoughts. Letting something go, a habit, a loss, missed opportunity means letting the thoughts about that action go. The action is over. The moment is complete. Every moment in life is extremely short lived, in terms of time infinitesimally small, but that's the only moment you are in. However, our thoughts keep the past a part of us. We store these ideas in our mind, these beliefs. As you grow, you strongly hold onto some of these beliefs and inevitably have to let go of some of these beliefs. Many things you feel or are experiencing may go against beliefs you had while growing up, and your values can change over time.

Our behavior, just like all the other animals in the world, is a result of the interaction of genes and environment. Personally, I believe genes affect our physical structure and development capabilities. Nutrition which is definitely associated with development could be greatly affected by the environment. Expected height could probably be determined by examining genes alone. However, if the individual is put in an environment where he cannot access food, it's hard to believe he'll have the minimum nutrition requirements to sustain maximum development. For humans, it's clear that our traits and behaviors can be attributed to the interaction of genes and environment.

As most animals do, we try to adapt and make the most of our environment.

However, no other animal on this planet has such a complex lifestyle, as humans do. We believe this is due to our superior intelligence. As Descartes says, "I think, therefore I am." Our sense of self, our mind, and our intelligence sets us apart from most of the animal kingdom. Being these intelligent beings with the ability to make complex tools and artificially affect our environment, we have developed extremely complex societies and cultures. As every animal is affected by their environment, our environment is the culture that we live in.

We were all ingrained with cultural beliefs. Culture is a set of beliefs, ideas and actions that are passed on from generation to generation. Culture helps bring meaning to all these physical objects that surround us. Every group, every civilization goes through cultural evolution. Evolution of our culture could be compared to biological evolution. In the animal world nearly all of animal behavior and structure could be explained using only biological evolution. However, humans are greatly affected by the structure around us. Unlike, evolution by natural selection, cultural evolution has become a rapid process in which some of the aspects, humans can be more aware of it. As more tools and artificial environmental adaptions were created, human life became more and more complex. With these complex tools and changes in environment, specific ideas, and beliefs become associated with it. These belief systems, passed on from generation to generation, are associated with ritualistic behaviors, a specific language and values.

Is America the most developed country in the world? Are we on the cusp of progress?

As an American, we believe that we live in a high class, developed country. As generations passed, more basic, less developed cultures either were killed, died out or adapted. Earlier civilization were not as advanced as we are, they did not have the knowledge that we have today. (continue reading)

Most people who would agree with this would have somewhat of an understanding of cultural evolution and understand some of the processes involved. Most inevitably ethnocentric people would describe that evolution is leading a species to a better form. This is because we believe that we are at the pinnacle of "progress" as we continually develop our developed society. But evolution has no end goal or destination. Evolution simply explains how animals adapt to the changing environment. While we shape the environment with our complex tools and structures guided by our beliefs and ideas, the environment forms us. Evolution is not an A causes B relationship. Both A and B affect each other.

Each individual does not choose their initial environment. And this initial environment greatly affects the individual. We are born into a specific context. However the world is currently at it's own status quo, or equilibrium. At the current moment, this is the situation that we live in. Many humans search for universal answers, but we live a very particular, unique, finite life. Although the world does not have to be this way, this is the way the world is.

Most individuals accept the world the way it is. They don't ask questions, they don't ask why. We allow our cultural contexts to give our behavior and the physical world around us meaning. As humans we need routine and rituals. We easily judge "less developed" countries as having ritualistic behavior and our ethnocentric bias doesn't allow us to see it in our environment.

Think about all the things you did today. Why did you do them?

As humans we talk about television shows, and the TV has become such an important part of our lives. But there are people living in this world that do not know what a television is. TV does not exist in their environment, yet they still live and have the capacity for happiness.

We do not realize how important language is. We think in a particular language. Most Americans think in English, but English is not even the most wide spread language in the world. As humans sometimes we think the people around us don't understand our thoughts, but other people living in this world literally can not understand your thoughts. Our thoughts are very controlled and limited by our language. Concepts are based upon the situation that you live in.

W.I. Thomas said, "If man defines the situations as real, then it is real in it's consequences."

As humans we surrender to the structures around us and accept our culture. We know we can't change the world, so we take care of ourselves. We adapt to our environment and figure out the best way to benefit individually.

How long can these selfish attitudes last? When will we look towards the long term and do more than minimize short term tension?

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